This thought applies well to network marketing; if someone strives to be a leader and can inspire others to be successful, he/she will accomplish much.
There are four different categories people fit into when they come into network marketing.
1. A Part Timer is just what they sound—they treat their network marketing business as a part time thing, sometimes even a hobby. They have a separate, full-time job, and this person is someone who builds their business without a lot of commitment. This person joins because they get excited or inspired by something they see there. Their average income ranges up to $100 to $400 a month.
2. A Part Time Full-Timer is someone who has a part-time business, but commits full-time to it. If they only have ten hours to give every week, they give ten hours every single week—with goals and other business-growing things set up. They come to every call. They come to every training session. They listen. They learn. They typically have an average income around $1,000 a month.
3. A Full Timer is a person who doesn’t have a separate job. They’re motivated to do the business and they typically work 25 to 30 hours a week. They’re excited about building the business and they can earn a few thousand dollars a month.
4. Career Opportunity. A career person views the network marketing opportunity as their career, and makes a full-time commitment to it, often spending up to 80 hours a week on their business. Average incomes will start at $5,000 and just go up from there.
There’s no right or wrong way to build your business, just as there is no wrong business builder type. Ask yourself, what is your business style and what kind of people do you attract—how you do business, and what fits your personality? The following are a few of the types.
1. The Inviter. For the inviter, it’s all about the number of people brought into the business. These are people who talk about their business everywhere they go and with everyone they meet.
2. The Builder. Builders are focused on helping people grow. They want help the people they work with become something more, and better. Builders are people like coaches or nurses.
3. The Leader. Leaders are focused on the growth of their business; they also typically do all they ask of the people they recruit.
4. The trainers. Some people build their business by training others. They’re focused on training others to reach their full potential. They train others through motivating them and exciting them, by sharing ideas with them on a regular basis.
The way many successful network marketing professionals build their businesses by seeking out people who have different styles than they do. If you’re a recruiter, look for trainers, look for leaders, look for others who have different skill sets and styles than you.
Go back and look at the different styles here. Decide what you are and understand how to look for people with different skills, and that in building a network marketing business there is no right and there is no wrong.
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