Success in multi-level marketing is something that not a lot of people achieve; and this is something I stress. It is not that they have failed. I’ve never seen anyone who ‘failed’ in MLM. Rather, they became frustrated and quit before they could succeed; but I’ve never seen anyone who kept on at their MLM business and actually fail at it.
Keeping on is a principle that is important not just for MLM distributors but also MLM businesses. Those who succeed in the MLM business are those who keep on. Keeping on means that not only do you master the sales, marketing and the building of your business, you also don’t give up.
The most successful distributors in the MLM business are those who have the success mindset, who would be successful at anything they put their minds to. If they chose to go into the dry cleaning business, for example, or set up a corner deli, they would be just as successful. Being a success-minded person means not only that you have the will to succeed but also that you don’t accept failure as an option. They face the problems they have in their MLM business squarely and continue to work through them until they triumph.
The basic secret of the success mindset is that you have the will to succeed no matter what obstacles you face; and network marketing has a particular set of challenges different from those faced in traditional businesses – ranging from the difficulty of finding leads and recruiting team members to helping them maintain their enthusiasm so that they’ll continue to maintain their productivity. In addition, there is the fast-pace of the MLM business, which can lead to impatience on the part of distributors.
Many people who get into the MLM business are hyped into believing that this is a get-rich quick scheme. But the truth is that as with a traditional business, MLM requires a long-term commitment. The difference is that in MLM, you can achieve in three to five years what it might take twenty-five years to accomplish in a traditional business. Hence, there is a sense that you can, and should succeed very quickly.
There is also another unfortunate expectation in MLM – that all you have to do is recruit a few people to build a downline, and then you just sit back and collect residual income. However, it is not that easy and you might not get the results that you expect, but this is also a big selling point of MLM and one reason many people go into it.
The people who enjoy success in multi-level marketing are ultimately the ones who focus on the end-result rather than short-term gains. When people come into the network, they believe that they should already be generating four-figure incomes within the first two to six months; but as with any business, you have to build it from the ground up. This means finding prospects, converting them into distributors to be in your downline and then coaching them so that they’ll be productive. And as with anything, building your network marketing business, one that will stand the test of time, will require a sustained effort on your part – in other words, keeping on keeping on.
The reality is that in many businesses, there is an expectation that it will take months or even years to succeed; and in order to earn a degree, you will have to finish years of education. Why is it then that we expect that in MLM after just a few days of training? Do we know enough to make it? People try out network marketing for just a few months and when they are not getting the results that they expect, they then ask themselves, “Why am I not succeeding?” They don’t do the hard work of networking and making connections with people that is the basis of MLM. They don’t realize that it takes time and effort to make the business connections that you need to succeed. Networking is hard work.
To sum up, the key to success in MLM is keeping on keeping on. If you will focus your efforts on building your business rather than expecting to earn a big income at once, and you have realistic expectations, then you will have a bigger chance of achieving success in multi-level marketing.
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