Ready to read about some more common pitfalls that prevent people from succeeding in MLM? Read on for Part 2.
Factor No. 3: Unreasonable Expectations
Many people drop out of a MLM simply because they feel they were misled about what it’s going to take to make it. Their sponsor said all they had to do was mail out brochures and they’d get a 5 percent response; Or, they were told it wouldn’t take very much time, they wouldn’t have to talk to anybody, etc. It doesn’t matter what was promised to you when you joined your MLM, the fact is making money in MLM takes work.
You should treat your MLM like you would a traditional business. If you owned a McDonald’s would you devote your time and energy into running it? Of course you would. So why do most people in MLM today fail? Because they don’t give their program the attention it needs in order to make it work. If it cost them $25 to join they treat it like a $25 investment. If they would have paid $250,000 for it, I guarantee they’d be doing the things necessary in order to make a profit! I call it the “easy come, easy go” syndrome in MLM.
So what does this mean? Set up a schedule to work on your MLM, be it 9-to-5 or whatever sets of hours work for you and your business. And in that time, work and only work. Don’t do laundry or work on your garden for a while, and go back and forth between tasks. Make lists, follow up on phone calls, network, and whatever else you need to do to make your MLM successful.
As long as you expect to get rich while doing very little to achieve it, you’ll always be disappointed in MLM and eventually drop out. Remember this key point: You get back what you put into your MLM.
Factor No. 4: Dream Big
Even if you do join a MLM with unreasonable expectations, don’t believe in yourself, don’t understand the system, don’t even know what your company does, you can succeed in MLM if you have a big enough reason.
I call it the WHY factor. If you have a big enough WHY you’ll stay in the program long enough to acquire or overcome all the other factors.
So what is your WHY? Do you want to:
l Have More Time?
l Get Out Of Debt?
l Build Your Dream House?
l Travel The World?
l Buy Your Dream Car?
l Give More To Your Favorite Charity?
l Quit Your Job?
You can’t be successful on a large scale unless you have a burning desire to achieve more than you’re already achieving not being involved in MLM. Without a big reason to get ahead of where you are now in life, you’ll NEVER have the drive and ambition to do what it takes to learn how to make money in MLM.
Sit down with your wife and family and identify why Mom and Dad are going to be spending 10 to 20 hours a week on building a residual income in MLM. Get the entire family involved in your venture. That way, when it doesn’t seem to be moving as fast as you want it to (and I guarantee some days it will seem like that) then you’ll have the encouragement of your family members to urge you to not quit and keep at it!
If you’re single, then you have an edge on the married crowd. You have even MORE time to go out, learn and implement successful MLM techniques. Lucky you! Take advantage of your time to put in the extra effort to succeed, and you fill find yourself rewarded with results.
In conclusion:
This article, and the advice in it, can be summed up in this one quote:
“There is no traffic on the extra mile.”
So get on the extra mile today. Get in a MLM, learn what it takes to make money – I mean learn from someone who IS making money, get on the extra mile and put the pedal to the metal and don’t look back until you’ve reached your goals or dreams!
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