Press Releases and SEO – Why SMBs Need Press Releases
By J.Michael Palka
PART 2 of 3
Press Release and SEO
One thing SMBs need to keep in mind when creating press releases is that the news world today is more prevalent online. This means that instead of targeting press releases towards old school publications, individuals should instead gear their marketing campaigns online. For this reason, paying close attention to SEO is crucial in order to gain the attention of search engines.
How to Create an Effective Press Release
It’s true that with the new standards in press releases, abandoning the traditional methods in favor of the new ones is best. However, there are some basics in press releases that should still be followed regardless of how old they are. For businesses that are currently contemplating on having a press release published, following are some tips on how to create an effective one.
· Keep it Simple. Remember that the goal is for the target market to understand the press release and react to it accordingly. Using complicated words will not really make it easier for the public to relate to the news. Make sure that the terminologies utilized are simple and straight to the point. This way, there is a good chance that the target market – and maybe even bigger than that – will appreciate the announcement. Make it clear, concise and factual.
· Keep it Short. A long press release is really ineffective since it may cause readers to lose interest. After all, a press release should only contain the barest facts and stretching it to more than necessary will be missing the point entirely. In most cases, news writers find it more interesting to print releases that go straight to the point and do not utilize extra space unnecessarily.
· Make it Compelling. Grab attention! Press releases are meant to get the reader’s interest enough for them to follow the link provided. If the writing is not good enough, there is a chance that the target market will stop reading after the first 50 words.
· Use the Keywords. Of course, you should not forget the fact that the press release is targeted towards online publication. Make sure to use the keywords when creating the press release. In fact, it is a good idea to use anchor texts together with the keywords, making them more effective in the long run. Make sure that there isn’t just one keyword used though. As much as three relevant keywords must be adapted to, allowing the business to capture a larger following. Note that when it comes to keywords, utmost care should be practiced. Make sure to choose one properly, using different tools like Google AdWords for maximum effect.
· Include hotlinks. Hotlinks are basically embedded into important words that may require further definition. Typically, they are added in to make it easier for readers to seek additional information.
· Bold and underline critical words. If there’s anything in the press release that the business wants to emphasize in their writing, this is the best way to do it. This immediately draws the reader’s attention forward, regardless of where the word is placed in the paragraph. Don’t litter the press release with too much highlight though as this would defeat the purpose. One to three well-placed critical words would work perfectly.
· Use strategic formatting. Remember that press releases are nothing like the generic articles out today.
They provide factual with highlight on the when, where and what. These are the very same information that readers will be looking for so make sure that they are easily located in the press release. Utilize bold characters, italics, bullet and multiple paragraphs to.
· Use images and logos. Have pictures ready for a press release for branding purposes. It’s also possible to link images and even videos to the press release, allowing individuals to click and follow other items for description purposes. Although words are very powerful, the internet already offers a wide array of methods for presenting information – use them. It’s also easier for clients to relate if they can see an image of the product or service rather than just describing them.
· Link to relevant pages. One of the biggest mistakes people make when linking press releases is directing it to their home page. Instead, the links should be directly related to the press release, providing readers with immediate access to the information they are searching for. For example, if the business is announcing their new line of shoes, make sure that the press release link directs the reader on the shoes for sale page. This makes the effort more relevant and makes it easier for search engines to connect keywords together and rank the pages.
· Proofread. Of course, do not forget to make sure that the press release is free of any spelling or grammatical errors before printing. There’s a good chance that they will be checked first by the publication before submission but it’s always a good idea to have these done personally.
· Include contact information. Always place details on how the business may be reached at the end part of the press release. This can be the website, an email address or even a phone number if the business happens to be local. Here is a very important point. Most SMBs use a publicist as the contact person. The publicist is familiar with dealing with the media and most media prefer dealing with a publicist.
· Keep it fresh. Some companies provide just one press release when they open up their business. This is rarely followed by anything else which is really a waste in opportunity. It’s important that small or medium sized businesses will make sure that they always have something new to offer, allowing potential clients to see them on a routine basis. Remember that press releases are basically considered as NEWS so keep them coming.
J.Michael Palka has been involved in the MLM industry for over 30 years. He is known as one of the Godfathers of the industry for his promotional and PR work in helping give birth to the industry in the early 80’s. He also co-founded Millionaires in Motion, one of the most successful training programs in the industry. Today J.Michael helps companies understand and implement public relations campaigns.
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